Shakman Compliance


On October 28, 1969, a lawsuit entitled Michael Shakman, et al., v. Democratic Organization of Cook County, et. al., No. 69 C 2145 (N.D. Ill.) was filed. It asked the court to prohibit the Cook County Assessor's Office and other governmental entities from conditioning, basing, or affecting any term or aspect of governmental employment upon or because of any political reason or factor. In 1972 and in 1975, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois agreed and entered Consent Decrees with respect to the Assessor's Office. The Court also retained jurisdiction of the case to oversee issues of political hiring - among them how many and which positions should be exempt from the Court's prohibitions in the Consent Decrees.

On August 15, 2012, the Assessor's Office agreed to the entry of an Agreed Order by the District Court. It provides a framework for the Assessor's Office to implement additional policies and procedures to assure that all aspects of employment are free from unlawful political discrimination.

Employment Plan

To advance the goal of bringing the Assessor's Office into compliance with the Court's orders, the Office has developed an Employment Plan. It includes the general principles that govern the Assessor's Office's hiring and employment policies and applies to current and future employees. The plan also implements pro-active and transparent policies, practices, and procedures that address the prohibition and influence of political reasons and factors in the employment process. A copy of the plan is posted here.

Exempt Positions

An exempt position is one that involves policymaking to an extent or is confidential in such a way that political affiliation is an appropriate consideration for the effective performance of the job

Annual Appropriation Ordinance

Funding for all positions in the Assessor's Office, including the Exempt Positions listed above, is approved by the Cook County Board in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance. Past and current Annual Appropriation Ordinances can be found on the Cook County Government website on the Budget Archives page. . A link to the 2018 Annual Appropriation Ordinance is here. The Assessor's Office's Appropriation can be found starting on page 441.

Executive Assistants

An Executive Assistant reports directly to an Exempt Deputy or Director. The primary duties of the Executive Assistant include the performance of executive-level administrative services for the Exempt Deputy or Director. Executive Assistants are (1) not covered by any CBA, (2) at-will, and (3) are not Exempt Positions. This is a list of Executive Assistant positions in the Assessor's Office.

Quarterly Reports

Below are the Quarterly Reports for the Assessor's Office which include the total number of New Hires, Promotions, Demotions, Transfers, Terminations, Reclassifications, Layoffs, and Resignations by Department for each three month period.

Opportunity to File Complaint

Any person - including a current employee or an applicant for a position at the Assessor's Office- who believes he/she has been subject to unlawful political discrimination may file a complaint. Please click here for further information and/or to complete the form:

Director of Compliance:  Elizabeth M.S. Oplawski | Email:
118 N. Clark Street, 3rd Floor
Hotline: (312) 603-0745 and (877) 448-4756
Assessor's Compliance Administrator:    Susan Feibus | Email:
69 W. Washington, Suite 830 Chicago, IL 60602
Hotline: (312) 343-0221
Shakman Plaintiff's Counsel:    Brian Hays, Locke Lord LLP
111 S. Wacker Dr. Suite 4100 Chicago, Il 60606